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Mrkunlex Why You Need A Good WebHost
Are you building a new website for your business?
Have you put much thought into your web host? This
can often be an overlooked part of a new website.
However, it can be one the most important decisions
you will make when creating a new website.
So what is a web host?
If you haven’t built a website before, you may not be
aware of what a web host is, and the important role
it plays. A web host is the remote computer server
where all your website files are stored. When you
choose a host for your website, you will pay a
hosting fee every month or annually.
There are several different types of hosting, including:
Shared hosting: the files from other people’s websites
are stored at the same location. This is the option
most websites use.
Dedicated web hosting: no other person has files on
the server. Essentially you are using the entire server.
The benefits of this are your server will be faster and
more secure.
Cloud hosting: this virtual server is made up of
numerous physical web servers. This is considered the
most reliable option because if the cloud hosting fails,
another one will be able to take its place.
What you need to look for
Now you know what a web host is and the different
types, it’s time to look for a web host for your
website. With so many web hosts available, it can be
overwhelming when trying to decide who to choose.
There are some factors you should consider before
committing to a web host:
1. Price
This is often the first thing people will look at when
choosing a web host. How much is it going to cost?
Of course, you’ll want to choose the most cost-
effective host. However, this isn’t necessarily going to
be the cheapest option. Remember the old saying
“you get what you pay for”? This is also true for web
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Make sure to have a look at what the hosting
features before choosing the cheapest option.
2. Does it include email?
If you’re starting a business you want to look
professional. The best way to do this is by having an
email address that is associated with your domain
name. After all, who is going to take your business
completely seriously if you’re using a Gmail email
If your hosting does include email, it’s also good to
check what email features the hosting includes. Your
hosting can often help to resolve issues such as spam
3. Customer service
Sometimes you’ll end up having a problem that you
can’t resolve on your own, and you need the help of
your host. However, you’re not going to receive a
quick response if your host is in a different country
and only open during office hours. On the other hand,
some hosts often claim to have 24/7 customer
service, but may not have the most know-how. If
you know you’re going to need to contact customer
service, make sure you see how responsive the staff
are before deciding on a host. Find out how easy it
will be to talk to a real person, and whether or not
they can solve your problem.
4. Reputation
You’re going to want to avoid choosing a host that
has a bad reputation. To investigate how legitimate
the business is, have a look at:
How long the company has been in business
Do they have testimonials?
Note downtime statistics
Check maintenance schedules
Check any customer reviews, which can often be
found on social media or Google. This will give you an
idea about what people think of the company and
whether or not they are a good choice.
5. How easily can you switch?
So you chose a web host, but then you end up
finding a better offer a few months or years later.
How easily are you going to be able to get out of
your contract with your existing web host?
Sometimes you may incur fees for switching web
hosts. It’s important to establish this before you
initially sign up.
6. Is there room to grow?
Think about your business’ website now, and what it
will be like in the future. Is it going to be the same
size, or are you trying to grow into a larger business,
and therefore needing a bigger website? This will
affect what hosting you choose. What works for you
now may not be adequate in a few years time.
Make sure to look if it’s easy to upgrade your account
to accommodate for a bigger website and a higher
influx of traffic. If your hosting does not have the
ability to scale, and you know you will get an
increase in traffic, it’s best to look elsewhere.
Why is it important to get the right host?
Hosting may not seem like a big deal to some
people. However, if you chose the wrong website
host, it can have negative repercussions on your
business, including:
Negative impact on SEO: if your hosting is going
down all the time, you’re going to see your search
engine rankings slip. This means it will be harder for
people to find your website, and you won’t have an
increase in traffic. Furthermore, having a slow
response time can also be damaging for your SEO.
Revenue: you’ll want to make sure your website has
a positive ROI. However, if you’ve picked an
unreliable host that has a lot of down time, it could
negatively impact your revenue. While your website
is down, you’re losing potential customers and
therefore profits.
Security: make sure you pick a host who has your
data backed up on a remote server. If your website
ever gets hacked, you want to know you can easily
restore it. If this isn’t the case and your website does
come under attack, you could be struggling to rebuild
your website afterward.
Before picking the first web host you find, make sure
you carefully look at what they can offer, and
whether that will suit your needs not only now but
also in the future. If it doesn’t, keep on looking until
you find a more suitable web host.
2018-02-28 23:34 · (0)

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