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Mrkunlex Due To The lackadaisical ways in which Nigerian network providers are slashing their data prices and probably call tarriffs, Nigeria online community
are also lackadaisical in their moves from network to network.
This trend is nowhere going to end soon as far as there is always an inequality in the benefits acclaimed by network providers.
GLO is a very popular name in the nigerian
communication sphere, not for their effectiveness but affordability. When a service is widely loved, then the service is widely populated.
Joining the trend from MTN to GLO is easy! You don’t even need to purchase a new SIM card. You can keep your old mobile phone number and simply port
to another network with the same number.
How to port my MTN to Glo.Porting from MTN to Glo network is 100% free. You
have to pay nothing when you want to move to this network guaranteed only if you follow the steps
1. Your ID card will certainly be used for porting, so make sure you have made a copy of it first.
2. Visit any Glo office in your area. It can be the SIM registration or another zone. Step
3. Show your ID card copy and explain your situation.
Tell them that you would like to port to Glo and have the old phone number with you.
4. You will get a special ‘porting’ form that you need
to fill in. It is called Port-in MTN since you are switching from this mobile network.
5. Once you entered all the information into the form and signed it and are ready to switch, you will have to send the text message with the one word ‘Port’ to
a free phone number 3232.
6. Wait for a while after you will receive a reply to your SMS with thanks and that your request is being
7. Usually, you have to wait for up to 48 hours to complete your request.
8. While you are still at the operator’s office, the representative of the mobile network will offer a no-charge SIM card that belongs to Glo network. You’ll
have to register it.
9. The old MTN SIM card will stop working after your request is completed, but you will receive a text
message before this saying that the Glo card is activated. The new SIM will work on your phone so you have to insert it on your device.
Note! Don't FORGET to transfer the contacts and messages from the old SIM to a new one since there will be no automatic transferring for you after the switch. It only preserves your previous phone number.
With Glo porting, you’ll have to stay on this carrier for
at least 90 days before you can port again to a different mobile operator.
Globacom Limited is a privately owned telecommunication company. It was created in 2003.
Since then, the mobile operator gained popularity in several West-African countries. The headquarters are located in Lagos.

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