System Requirements for WordPress
-MySQL 5.0 +
-Web Server
-WAMP (Windows)
-LAMP (Linux)
-XAMP (Multi-platform)
-MAMP (Macintosh)
-Operating System
-Browser Support
-IE (Internet Explorer 8+), Firefox, Google chrome, Safari, Opera
PHP Compatibility
PHP 5.2+
Download WordPress
When you open the link
download/, you will get to see a screen as the following snapshot
Create Store Database
WordPress requires MySQL database. So create a new empty database with user/password (for example, user as "root" and password as "root" or else you can set as per your convenience).
Then, you can continue with the installation process as discussed further.
Set Up Wizard
It's very easy to set up WordPress into your system.
The following steps describe how to set up WordPress locally on your system.
Step (1) − Extract the downloaded WordPress folder and upload it into your web server or localhost.
Step (2) − Open your browser and navigate to your WordPress file path, then you will get the first screen of the WordPress installer as shown in the following screen. In our case, the path is localhost/< Your_
wordpress_folder >.
Select your language for the WordPress and click on Continue.
Step (3) − In this step, you can view the information needed for the database before proceeding with WordPress installation.
Click on Let's go!
Step (4) − Here, you have to enter the information about the MySQL database as described in the following screen.
Database Name: Enter the database name which you have created in MySQL database for WordPress.
Username: Enter the user name of your MySQL database.
Password: Enter the password which you had set for MySQL database.
Database Host: Write the host name, by default
it will be localhost.
Table Prefix: It is used to add prefix in the database tables which helps to run multiple sites on the same database. It takes the default value.
After filling all information, click on Submit button.
Step (5) WordPress checks the database setting and gives you the confirmation screen.
Click on Run the install
Step (6) − Enter administrative information.
It contains the following fields
Site Title: Enter the name of the site which you are going to create in WordPress.
Username: Enter the username as per your
choice while logging in the WordPress.
Password twice: Enter password two times to
protect your site.
Your E-mail: Enter your e-mail address which helps to recover the password or any update.
Privacy: It allows the search engine to index this site after checking the checkbox.
After filling all the information, click on the Install WordPress button.
Step (7) After installation being successful, you will get a screen of the stating success.
You can view your username and password detail added in WordPress.
Click on Log In button.
Step (

− After clicking on login, you will get a WordPress Admin Panel.
Enter the username and password which you had mentioned during installation as shown in step 6 and
click on the Log In button.