Rice is a general and popular food consumed by human population.Both young and old engoy eating rice, let me say the fact, i can not do with eating rice any day.It is a seeds of the grass species Oryza Sativa and Oryza Glaberrima also known as Asian Rice and African Rice respectively.The seed is the third highest world production of about 741.5million tonnes in 2014 after sugarcane of 1.9billion tonnes and maize of about 1.0billion maize.
It is an important staple food products especially in Asian countries.Rice is produce mostly in Asian.China is among the top largest rice producing countries in the world and produce up to 30% of rice production in the whole wideworld.
Rice is the most important grain that Provide one-fifth of calories taken by human in the also give us eneray and so many nutrients that cannot be mention here.
Derivation: The world '
rice was derives from the old french
ris, which comes from Italan
riso, in turn from the Latin
oriza which derives from the Greek [b]oruza according to
Rice is a monocotyledon plant normally grown annualy.monocotyledons plants are flowering plants with only one seed leaf.
Read More About Monocotyledonous Plant.
There Are 3 varieties of rice namely long, mediu and short grained rice.
Steps You Must Follow Before Planting Rice
1. Buy a good seeds free from bacteria, viruses, fungi and any other diseases that affect rice
2. The second steps is to choose your planting location.The soil you want to use in planting your rice must consists of slightly acidic clay and the location you want to plant your seeds must receives full sunlight and warm temperature of at least 70degree fahrenheit.
3. Before planting your seeds