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Mrkunlex I always wanted to Educate Wapka wapmasters on seo for wapka forums.
Haven managed a wapka forum for some
time before I left wapka, I do have some
experience I want to share with anyone
who's using wapka to run a forum.
read: Wapka Seo: Reasons Why Google Is
Not Crawling My Wapka Site
View attachment 608
First of all, I will love to say that wapka is an
old forum software that
makes seo harder
than it should be given that there are not
enough tools to wok on your pages to
increase your visibility in the search engines.
Some of the reasons why Wapka is not
very good Seo wise includes
1. Url Format: The URL structure of wapka
mobile forums is not optimized for seo. It
includes lots of
numbers, a question mark,
an equals sign and even more numbers.
This sucks. A proper forum URL should contain
text for easy remembrance and of course all
the other seo benefits that comes with
readable URLs.
2. Poor Navigational system: I have spoken
about navigation before in several posts, and
I can't stress the need for an efficient, precise
navigational system on your site, be it wapka
or any other platform. The tools provided by
wapka including javascript support and
wapka tags
does not make the process of
creating a navigational system easy at all.
You have to do a lot of work to make
your navigation system good for both
users and search engine crawlers.
process is hardened by the fact that wapka
doesn't support server side scripting leaving
you with the only javascript to do this which
as you should know is not the best practice.
Let's go ahead and see the ways in which
you can improve Seo for your wapka site
and start getting more google search
1. Use and Maintain a simple design:
View attachment 605
the design of your wapka mobile site is very
crucial to the success of a forum.If you have
a design that's not easily understandable,
your site's bounce rate can skyrocket, and
this is awful. Users will find it hard to
understand what is what on your site if you
are using a poor design. So, endeavor to get
a good design and there are many criteria
for great design for websites. If you are
not a designer, then get someone to do it for
you. Some people are already into the
business of
developing quality themes for
wapka sites. You can check them out @
To get a good theme from wapkathemes,
simply register with them and browse
through what they have. You should be able
to come across several themes that are of
high quality with which you can build your
Some of the qualities of a good design
use of javascript
Ad placement
Mobile responsiveness
Color combination
Clear navigation
easy to understand
Seo ready, etc.
Read: Story Time! How To Get A Nigerian
Adsense Account Approved
2. Do Not lock your forum for Users only;
Unless you don't want google to access the
forums, go ahead and lock it up, making it
available to only registered users. this
method can guarantee you some registered
users who want to get info from the forums
but it will block others who are not logged in
from knowing what's inside the forums and
ultimately, it will block Google from accessing
the forums.
A good way to understand how Google
crawls your wapka mobile site
is to
consider Google as a guest on your site.
Whatever is hidden from someone who's not
registered is equally hidden from Google!
Don't take advantage of this to indulge in
Black Hat SEO. It is a quick way to crash
your site!
So, make all your forums accessible by
guests and Google can be able to access and
index it too.
3. Navigation/Breadcrumb:
View attachment 607
Breadcrumbs help people to move through
your website properly without having any
issues. It enhances the usability of your site
to a great extent. Learn all about
Breadcrumbs in this post I wrote a few days
ago under tips for building e-commerce
4. Use a Recent/Related Topics Code just
below your site in the Bottom Auto
this helps users to find similar topics
on your forum site and also helps the
search engines to navigate through your site
very well. So, get the code for related topics
and put it just below forum messages so
when someone is done reading a thread, he
can choose to read similar topics. This helps
to decrease bounce rate on your site too.
5. InterLink your wapka forums pages :
View attachment 609
The importance of linking from one post to
another on your site cannot be
overemphasized. You should try as much as
possible always to include links from new to
old posts and vice versa.
This helps Google
to be able to move through your wapka
forum site and index pages quickly
. Think
of websites like Wikipedia do discover how
interlink their websites. The act of
interlinking your web pages may seem to
task at first but with time, it becomes much
easier to do so. Hence, endeavor to reference
relevant and related topics in any post where
it is necessary. This is one of the
techniques which can be easily
6. Don't forget to link out to other sites
bloggers: Linking out to other sites can
help you get higher google search rankings. I
have explained how this works and you can
how external links can help you in seo
Rounding It All UP! Perfect Seo practices
for wapka forums
Doing Seo on your site is never a one-day
thing. The act of seo is a gradual process that
continues throughout the life o the site so
you should always read about the topic to
learn as much as you can on the subject
because seo is very dynamic and only the
dynamic ones can keep up with it.
View attachment 606
Ask your uestions and i will provide your
answers as much as i can
2018-02-28 00:45 · (0)

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