There are numerous factors that you ought to consider while creating a site. And on the off chance that you are continually involved with the SEO market.Endeavor to ensure that you are adhering carefully to the Google rules and regulations.
#1. Try to avoid paid links
Many punishments issued by Google for the most part center around the exchange of links between sites. This is the place link farming comes in.
Link farming is in SEO processes usually to increase the page rank of the sites. Most of the times, the punishments depend on the quality between the anchor text and exchanged links.
#2. Precautions to take when allowing guest blogging
Guest postings are a simple method to increase the authoritative links building. Such sites are generally punished by Google since they encourage and permit the utilization of backlinking.
Another hindrance of guest postings is that, it will degrade your site in view of the huge presence of unwanted links.
One method that numerous authors could do is including contextual links that are significant and relevant to the content of the blog.
Also, including contextual and relevant or significant links increases the visibility and ranking of the page up to 10 times.
#3. Anchor texts
You may ponder what the term anchor text means. Anchor texts are normally texts that help to enhance the visibility of your site by helping internet search engine to understand by utilizing keywords.
Numerous website designers try to exploit the utilization of anchor text by always reusing them over and over. This can make their sites more prone to penalties and strikes by Google.
To avoid Google penalty from this, try adding variations to the anchor texts and endeavor to diversify them a bit. Like Penguin is utilizing anchor texts as a factor.
#4. Take a check on the amount of keywords that you use
SEO optimization utilizing keyword trafficking and keyword stuffing is a standout amongst the most well-known gimmicks that numerous webmasters use to promote their websites.
One of the primary reasons why such websites get punished by Google is a direct result of a large number of concealed keywords that have no pertinence to the content of the site.
To prevent this issue from your site, and to avoid Google penalty from this, keep your keyword densities always balanced.
#5. Avoid using hidden texts
Hidden texts are fundamentally words and text that have an indistinguishable color as that of the site. They can’t be seen by the user however they are indexed by Google.
Having a considerable number of hidden links and hidden texts is additionally a matter of being penalize or punished by Google. Having texts that are cloaking inside the site and having tricky redirects is likewise punishable by Google and will at last lead you into getting a strike.
#6.Try to have a stable brand signal
Brand building guarantees that your websites are very much well ranked and are well visible during keywords searches. They likewise help to get an ever increasing number of punishments and strikes removed from your site.
There are numerous ways by which you could extend your trust. The main strategy is to have a decent interface and design for your site.
#7. Try to have real links with people
Google punishes sites and brands via social media who have loads of fake followers. Ensure that you have genuine and legit social signals to promote your image. Fake websites and social media accounts will be punished by Google and a strike will be issued by them.
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy reading this post. However if you know any other way to avoid google penalty feel free to let us know in the comment.