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* Mrkunlex Website ranking is for many, one of the most critically important aspects of their online business.
Apart from the information websites provide, staying in business actually depend on how much traffic and conversion a website can get.
There are several errors a website can generate. The most common of them is the 404 error. And we will dwell a little more on the 404 error and other errors.
We will discuss how these errors can be fixed and how they affect search engine rankings.
According to Google, 404 errors are normal errors and they do not affect rankings on their SERPs. Google specifically in a response to a question on this said:
"404s are a perfectly normal part of the web; the Internet is always changing, new content is born, old content dies, and when it dies it (ideally) returns a 404 HTTP response code. Search engines are aware of this; we have 404 errors on our own sites, as you can see above, and we find them all over the web.
In fact, we actually prefer that, when you get rid of a page on your site, you make sure that it returns a proper 404 or 410 response code (rather than a “soft
404”). Keep in mind that in order for our crawler to see the HTTP response code of a URL, it has to be able to crawl that URL—if the URL is blocked by your robots.txt file we won’t be able to crawl it and see its response code. The fact that some URLs on your site no longer exist / return 404s does not affect how your site’s other URLs (the ones that return 200 (Successful)) perform in our search results."
When Google maes a comment, you tae it and work
with it without bothering anymore what anyone
could want to say. Google's opinion is the alpha and
omega of search engines. This statement was made
in 2011 and Google has not made a new comment o
warrant a change in opinion.
However, following recent changes to the Google
Algorithm and with greater emphasis on user
experience, one is persuaded to think that 404 errors
can affect user experience and this could have some
impact on bounce rate and ranking as well.
Consider this scenario, someone makes a search for
fast and reliable web hosting in Nigeria and finds
your post made some two tears ago. Let's assume
you have moved the content to another category
without properly redirecting to the new page. The
result gives the user a 404 error and he leaves your
page. If this happens to other pages you have moved
in a similar way, your bouncerate will likely increase
and Google will spot this trend. Google will definitely
not want to reward you with higher rank given your
high bounce rate.
So, it is doubtful that if your website returns a lot of
404 errors, these comments will still hold true in your
case. So, you need to worry about lots of error pages
on your website. Though it is not a factor that Google
uses to reward or rank a website, it could indirectly
have some effect on your website.
Remember that no one actually knows how Google
or any other search engine rankks. Our gueses are
only based on the information released to us. There
are several reasons to believe that website errors can
affect search engine ranking. The bottom line is that
Google is increasingly focusing on user experience
and will rank a website favourably for its user-
friendliness. User eperience will including mobile
friendliness, un-broken links, navigational elements
and friendly urls.
It has also been well established that Google does
not lie broken links - which is one of the reason for
The idea here is that if your website contains lots of
broken links, it will also report poor user experience.
What that means is that with Google's increasing
focus on user experience, your website will get poor
ranking as a result.
Our recommendation is that despite all the
assurances not to so much bother about website
errors, it will be wise to be properly guided to avoid
errors as they affect your users and can actually lead
to high bounce rate and a blacklist by users.
Now we will need to look at some of the most
common errors and how to cope with them.
500 Internal Server Error
The 500 Internal Server Error is a very general HTTP
status code that means something has gone wrong
on the web site's server, but the server could not be
more specific on what the exact problem is. Most of
the time, "Opss" means an issue with the page,
.htaccess file or extension code quality.
Wait at least 30-60 seconds and reload the web
page. You can do that by clicking the refresh/reload
button, pressing F5, or trying the URL again from the
address bar. The issue may only be temporary. Trying
the page again will often be successful.
Clear your browser's cache and stored cookies. If
there's a problem with the cached version of the
page you're viewing, it could be causing HTTP 500
If your script uses a .htaccess file, rename .htaccess
back to htaccess.txt - maybe one of rule inside is not
acceptable by your server settings.
Remember what extension you lastly installed or
published, if you have access to back-end, just turn it
off (disable) and remove link from Menu.
If all those tips won't help, contacting the server
support directly is your last option.
504 Gateway Timeout Error
The 504 Gateway Timeout error is an HTTP status
code that means that one server did not receive a
timely response from another server that it was
accessing while attempting to load the page or
request by the browser. Most of the time, this means
that the other server is down or not working
properly. Relax and check website later.
Unfortunately, at this point, that this error is no doubt
a problem outside your control that will eventually
get fixed by server admin only.
404 Not Found Error
A 404 error is an HTTP status code that means that
the page you were trying to reach on a website
couldn't be found in the database or on their server.
Technically, an Error 404 is a client-side error, implying
that the error is your mistake, either because you
used wrong URL alias (a spelling error or typo).
Another possibility is if the page (menu item link) has
been renamed or trashed/disabled from the website
and in theory you should have known. Check in
Menu Module if menu item link is still there and
published, also if link (the URL) used in Custom HTML
module or article was typed wrong or the link that
was clicked on points to the wrong target URL. It's
good habit to check and fix those errors regularly.
If your website is built on a script or content
management system, after installation of some
etensions you might have experienced an error that
occurs when PHP on their server is set to strict error
reporting - where they receive error messages
starting with phrases: “Strict Standards: Non-static
method … on line XX”. Essentially, Strict Standards
warnings are not really errors; they're messages
designed for developers, but I fully agree they do not
like nice on working site.
create php.ini file and then inside put following code:
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_WARNING
Blank Page
The white screen may it be one of those extremely
annoying problems like error establishing a database
connection. It can be caused by everything from
damaged extension or outdated installed and
published plugin. But what is irriation, you do not see
what is going on, because there wasn't any waring
message at all you are left clueless to figure out
what is the issue. ]
You will need to enable error reporting on your
website. These may be able to help you determine
the root cause. Note! Default error reporting is not
good for each case because it's visible to everyone,
including your users. That's why it is good to look for
a plugin that can do this for you. A plugin changes
the error reporting level depending on the selected
user groups, so for example only only admins will see
errors on their pages, but other users won't.
Read also: How to Fix The Joomla White Screen of
What is helpful in most cases the application displays
a blank page due to a corrupted (not core) plugin that
is currently active for the site, so check them all,
disable - enable one by one to check which one is a
problem. If you suspect the problem is other
extension related, you can try uninstalling any
component or module you recently installed. After the
problematic plugin is found check whether it is
compatible with your version of software. If you plan
to use it contact the extension's developer and report
the issue.
Also read: How to Fix The WordPress White Screen of
Missing image(s) or graphic icons
Technically, in most cases the error is your mistake,
either because you typed the URL in wrong or the
image has been moved to another folder or or
maybe renamed or even removed from the website
and you should have known. Check source URL using
built-in browser detector or use Firebug.
My home page has changed
Extensions from suspicious websites can contain
malicious code that hijacks your website and changes
the appearance or settings. So your home page for
example is changed to another website that you can't
then change back. Or you may see annoying pop-up
messages with advertisements for products you've
never asked for are constantly displayed on every
subpage. First step, please remember what it might
have been, uninstall crappy software and then scan
your site using Security Component or Online Anti-
virus tools. If those steps won't help or your site was
hacked, probably you have to recover site from back-

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