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* Mrkunlex Glo is a Nigerian telecommunication network that is widely known for its large data gifting.
Nigerians over the years have shown much interest in this network with the increase in the use of internet due to our present computer age and the need to browse.
In this post, I'll list out the various Glo data plans and their subscription codes as well for 2018.


Below are 28 Glo data plans and their subscription codes:
1. N25 for 10MB + 15MB (1 day) - *127*32#
2. N50 for 15MB + 15MB (1 day)- *127*14#
3. N100 for 35MB + 55MB (1 day)-
4. N200 for 100MB + 150MB (5 days) -
5. N500 for 800MB + 1,200MB (10 days) -
6. N1,000 for 1.6GB + 2.4GB (30 days) -
7. N2,000 for 3.75GB + 5.75GB (30 days) -
8. N2,500 for 5GB + 7.5GB (30 days) -
9. N3,000 for 6GB + 9GB (30 days) -
10. N4,000 for 9.5GB + 14.5GB (30 days) -
11. N5,000 for 12GB + 18GB (30 days) -
12. N8,000 for 22GB + 33GB (30 days) -
13. N10.000 for 50GB + 25GB (30 days) -
14. N15,000 for 80GB + 40GB (30 days) -
15. N18,000 for 100GB + 50GB (30 days) -
16. N22,000 for 120GB + 60GB (30 days) -
17. TGIF N500 Weekend Plan for 3GB (7
days - starting from saturday) -
18. N200 Night Plan for 1GB (12pm - 5am)
- *127*60#
19. G100 N6000 for 4GB (100 hrs/ 30 days)
- *127*5#
20. G300 N15,000 for 12GB (300 hours/ 3
months) - *127*4#
21. G-LEISURE N5,000 for 12GB (8pm-9am
everyday) - *127*7#
22. G-WORK N6,000 for 12GB (8am-9am
everyday) - *127* 6#
23. CAMPUS N100 for 100MB + 100MB +
25MB (2 days) - *777# then select
24. CAMPUS N200 for 200MB + 200MB +
50MB (4 days) - *777# then select
25. CAMPUS N500 for 500MB + 500MB +
125MB + N500 Glo-Glo calls (7 days) -
*777# then select
26. CAMPUS N1,000 for 1GB + 1GB + 250MB
+N1,000 Glo-Glo calls (15 days) -*777#
then select
27. CAMPUS N2,000 for 2GB + 2GB +
500MB + N2,000 Glo-Glo calls (30 days)
- *777# then select
28. CAMPUS N5,000 for 5GB +5GB + 1.25GB
+ N5,000 Glo-Glo calls (30 days) -*777#
then select
You can now select your subscription choice
depending on the amount you are capable of
spending. It can be used in all phones and as
a student, worker, etc.
You can use the comment box tell us your
opinion and views and as well share this post
to help someone too! Happy reading and
2018-03-26 21:35 · (0)

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