User topic star rating system is a unique feature in wapka that rates a theme or topic in wapka according to the number of views that thread has recieved.
Now lets begin by putin this code in your site. First of all => Go to edit site => Wap2 => Style of content in forum/chat => Set global settings for style of forum/chat => Select Own style form for:
Themes in Forum In the first box Put these code below there.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://"
media="all,handheld"/><div class="lined"
name="tipsad"><table width='100%'><tr><td
align='left'>::creator::<td><b> <b>::theme::</b></
b><br/><font color="gray">::count:: replies
- ::views:: peoples view , Last by ::user:: ,
::date::<span color="gray"><b>::top:: ::lock::</b></
span><script language="javascript"> var
count='::views::';if (count>=1000)
{ document.write ("<img src='http://'
alt=utimate''/>");} else if (count>=500)
{ document.write("<img src='http://' alt=''/>");} else if
(count>=400) { document.write("<img src='http://' alt=''/>");} else if
(count>=350) { document.write("<img src='http://' alt=''master/>");}
else if (count>=300) { document.write("<img
src='' alt=''/
>");} else if (count>=250) { document.write("<img
src='' alt=''/
>"); } else if (count>=200) { document.write("<img
src='' alt=''/
>"); } else if (count>=150) { document.write("<img
src='' alt=''/
>");} else if (count>=100) { document.write("<img
src='' alt=''/
>"); } else if (count>=50) { document.write("<img
src='' alt=''/
>"); } else if (count>=0) { document.write("<img
src='' alt=''/
>");} else {document.write("0.0"); }</script></
Copy code
In the second box, leave it empty
In the 3rd box paste this code there
<script type="text/javascript">/* Prevent flash of header */document.getElementById('user_
navigation').style.display = 'none';</script><div
class="mainbox"><table align="center"
width="100%"><td style="margin:2px;"
class="reyad33" width="25%"><center><a
href="site_screenshot.xhtml"> Screenshot</a> </
center></td><td style="margin:2px; "
class="reyad33" width="25%"><center><a
href="site_icon.xhtml"> Icons </a> </center></
td><td style="margin:2px" class="reyad33"
width="25%"><center><a href="site_download_
categories.xhtml"> Files</a> </center> </td><td
style="margin:2px" class="reyad33" width="25%
"><center><a href="site_bb_code.xhtml"> BBcode</
a> </center> </td></table></div><div
center></div><div class='mainbox'><div
class='mainblok'><div class='reyad33'>Topics In This Forum</div>::THEMES::<div
Copy code
Thats it. Let us know how far you have gone.