What Is Aloe Vera Oil?
By itself, aloe oil is not a true, pure oil. It is prepared
by mixing the aloe vera plant with a fatty oil.1 This
plant oil basically contains the properties of aloe, from which it is extracted. However, since it is combined with a carrier oil, its nutritional properties may be
enhanced or reduced.
Most of the health benefits provided by aloe vera come from its water-retaining, fleshy leaves2 —
specifically the nutrient-rich gel extracted from them.
It is usually the leaves or gel that is used to create
the oil.
Uses of Aloe Vera Oil
1. Aloe vera is commonly used by the cosmetic, food,
and beverage industry. It is widely used in personal
care products, such as lip balms, lotions, and other
skincare treatments. Of course, the aloe vera plant by
itself is also a popular skincare agent.
2. Some people use its gel to relieve itching,
accelerate the healing of wounds, and as a
moisturizing agent.
Other uses of aloe vera oil include:
3. Massage oil, due to its ability to relieve pain and
4. Aromatherapy oil. Aromatherapists often mix aloe
vera oil with other carrier oils in order to make use of
its healing and rejuvenating activities.
5. Haircare product. It can be used as a conditioner to
help treat dry scalp and dandruff.
6.Treatment for insect bites. This plant oil can also be
used to help treat swelling and inflammation caused
by insect bites from bees and wasps.
Dental care product. Nutrients in aloe vera have been
found to aid in the treatment of periodontal disease.
Used as a massage oil for the gums and teeth, this oil
can help reduce the risk of caries, plaque, and even
Aloe Vera oil contains the therapeutic properties from
the base oil as well from the nutrients that it provides
to the oil.
Emollient – Aloe Vera oil is a brilliant moisturiser for
the skin.
Anti-Inflammatory – It reduces inflammation and
other signs related to it.
Anti – Bacterial – It has the ability to kill certain
Anti-Viral – This property makes it suitable for use on
herpes and shingles rashes.
Anti-fungal – This oil can be used to kill fungi that
cause conditions like ringworm.
Anti-oxidant – The oil protects the skin from free
radical damage.
Cicatrizant – Aloe vera oil speeds wound recovery.