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* Mrkunlex Meet 6 Nigerians Who’s Names Are On Guinness World Record
So far, at least 6 Nigerians have been able to add their names to the all famous Guinness Book of World Record with the latest addition being Olawunmi Treasures Bayode;

1. Olawunmi Treasures Bayode
The 40-year old father of three began reading at 1:30PM on Monday, February 26, 2018, and has set a record of 150hours, a total of 5 days beating Nepali Deepak Sharma’s record of 113 hours 15 minutes in 2008. Bayode set the record at exactly 3:30 on Saturday, March 3, 2018, at the YouRead/Herbert
Macaulay library, Yaba.
Read also Nigerian Reads Aloud For Over 5 Days Straight, Bids For Guinness World Record

2. Kafayat Shafau Kafayat Shafau is popularly known as Kaffy. She broke the world record in longest dance with a time of 52 hours and 3 minutes in 2006.
She did this with her team, Imagneto, at the Nokia Silverbird Danceathon. The renowned fitness and dance instructor, Kaffy has her own dance school. The 36-year-old has now been married for four years
with two children.

3. Chidera Anemege Popularly known as Chiddy of Chiddy Bang, rapped his way into the Guinness book of records in 2011. He is the current holder of the longest rap freestyle by an individual.
He set the record at the MTV O Music Awards in Las Vegas, the U.S.A. Chiddy freestyled for 9 hrs, 18 mins and 22 secs. He even had to keep rapping while using the toilet twice, to set the record.

4. Obi Ajuonuma
Obi Ajuonuma is popularly known as DJ Obi, he broke the world record for the longest ever DJ set. He
started on 22nd of June and continued until 11.30pm on 2nd July, 2016.
Thereby completing a 240-hour marathon on the decks at a Lagos cafe, smashing the previous record of 200 hours set in Dublin by a Polish DJ called Norbert Selmaj in November 2014.
He reportedly set the record in honour of his father, Levi Ajuonuma, who was a TV producer, before dying in the Dana aeroplane crash of 2012. His record is yet
to be ratified.

5. Harrison Chinedu
A Nigerian footballer, Harrison Chinedu has walked his way into the Guinness book of records, for something strange. He broke the previous record for the ‘farthest distance walked with a ball on the head’.
He walked a total distance of 48.04 kilometres in 6 hours, 15 minutes on the 6th of March, 2016 to beat
the record formerly held by Indian soldier Naib Singh who walked a total distance of 45.64km in his country in 2014.

6. Adetunwase Adenle
Adetunwase Adenle is reportedly the only Nigeria citizen who has four Guinness world records to his
name. The class room teacher and artist holds the record in different categories. He holds the record of
the biggest painting that has been painted by the largest number of people and this painting is as big as a football field. It measures about 63.5m (208 ft 3.99 in) x 49.3 m (161 ft 8.94 in) and it was painted by 350 volunteers and this painting represents the map of Nigeria.
Other times Nigeria’s name got on the world record book was for the biggest football jersey in the world.
And when 300,000 students from the 600 public secondary schools in Lagos brushed their teeth
simultaneously at different locations to defeat India who had set the previous tooth brushing record and put Nigeria on the map.
2018-03-06 19:59 · (0)

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