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Mrkunlex Hey guys, welcome to this short and targeted
post on External linking on websites as it has
to do with seo.
External link definition
Otherwise known as outbound links, external
links are any links that are not pointing to
pages that are inside of your own
This is one of the most neglected aspects on
seo on most websites. In the quest to
preserve precious link juice, people tend
not to link out to others not knowing what
they are missing in the process.
Am going to show you some of the
reasons why you should be linking out to
other websites other than yours.
Link to Others:
This is more like a legal trick.
Do you know that by Linking to other people
from your website, you stand a chance of
benefiting in several ways including seo? This
has been proven in many respects. Provided
the page has something related to your topic
and can offer real value, then go ahead and
link it! Some of the ways by which linking to
other sites helps includes:
1. Site Relations: When you link tp a site,
you are sending a signal to Google that the
content of your page has something to do
with the website you are linking to. So when
people search for the website with certain
keywords and the site name, you have a
chance of being listed just after thew site.
This has been proven by many including me,
so go ahead and link out.
2. Making friends: when you link to any
website, you are making some friendship
with the blogger on the receiving end of the
link. The blogger depending on personality
may decide to link back to you and in such
cases, you are not losing. Besides, the
friendship can be extended outside of link
3. Higher google Rankings: As funny as it
may sound, you stand a chance of getting
higher rankings when you
link out to
websites with high Domain and Page
When you link out to Such websites
with high Google ranking authority, you are
sending a signal to Google that your site has
some value to offer to the readers. This is
because google already values those pages
highly and consider them relevant so linking
to them will also make Google count your
site as relevant!
Rounding Up: Reason why you should link
out to people from your site
Ultimately, the most important reason
why you should do some linking on your
website both to your site pages and
others websites is that of your site
users and post readers who will find it
useful not because of what Google has to
say or do!
So, for the sake of your visitors and reads, do
link out to other posts from your website!
Those are some of the reasons why you
should link out to blogs when they have
content related to what you are
discussing on your website!

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